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Astrological analysis of the birth chart of Ratan Tata

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Thu 2 Dec 2010 1:26:21 PM

Astrological analysis of the birth chart of Ratan Tata

Suchitra Das

This famous nativity, who is known by his name worldwide born on 28th December 1937 at Mumbai, India.  He is the Chairman of Tata Sons, India’s largest conglomerate founded by famous Jamsedji Tata.  He is Chairman of Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Power, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Tata Tea, Tata Chemicals, The Indian Hotels Company and Tata Teleservices.   Academically also, he is highly qualified. Mr. Ratan Tata received a number of prestigious awards, honors and recognitions for his professional excellence, besides coveted decoration of Padma Bhushan.

The natives with economic profession are backbone of any society and are indicators of its prosperity and well being. They include industrialists, chartered accountants, businessmen, traders, dealers, merchants, manufacturers, publishers, bankers, etc. Such natives have strong 2nd, 7th and 10th as primary houses with 5th, 9th, and 11th as secondary houses. For success in such professions the significator planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury and Dhankarakas Jupiter and Venus. Such native should have strong yogas for wealth, name and fame. For the convenience of my dearest readers, I would first furnish a glimpse of the basic requirements for success in industrial enterprises followed by analysis of the birth chart of this famous nativity. 


Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, is said to reside in Industries. Therefore, for success in industry, the Lakshmisthans, which are trine houses in a horoscope, should be strong and well related with houses of wealth and gains (2nd & 11th). 5th and 9th houses represent wisdom and luck, if these two houses are related with Lagna (self) and house of Karma (10th) gives excellent success to industrialists.

Moreover, industrialists primarily deal with machines, workforce, latest techniques, money and luck. The significator planets for industries are Saturn, Mars and Rahu and they should be well placed with reference to Ascendant, Ascendant Lord, 10th house and its lord. Specific planets are allocated to specific industries.

In the Horoscope of Mr. Ratan Tata, the Ascendant is Sagittarius, the mooltrikona sign of Jupiter who is the natural significator of name, fame and wealth and is posited in 2nd house, which is the house of status and family. The Jupiter is placed in Capricorn ruled by Saturn (2nd & 3rd lord), which is the sign of debilitation for Jupiter. The horoscope has the following very strong auspicious Yogas for name, fame, wealth and status.


The Ascendant Lord Jupiter is posited in his sign of debilitation but this debilitation is doubly cancelled for Jupiter being in quadrant (4th house) from natal Moon and his sign dispositor Saturn also in a Kendra from the Ascendant forming a very strong Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga. This has fortified the Ascendant and 4th house ruled by the Jupiter in the Natal Chart. Ascendant lord, in fact, is the main planet in a horoscope that is known to be the benefic of the high order and the strength of the horoscope is directly proportionate to his strength.  Fourth house is the house of our happiness, mind, formal education, properties etc. and a strong fourth lord is, therefore, capable of delivering us the desired results in respect of the above significations. 


 The horoscope has also a very strong Gajkesari Yoga for Jupiter and Moon being in mutual Kendras involving 2nd and 11th house which are the houses signifying name, fame, status, family, wealth, gains, successes and fulfillment of desires.


The native has 9th lord Sun, 7 & 10 lord *Dikbali Mercury and 11th lord Venus in Lagna conferring him a skilful mind, fortune, wealth, all round success and attainment of goals etc. (*Dikbali meaning Directional strength). The combination of 9, 7, 10 and 11th lords has formed auspicious Rajayoga and Dhan Yoga in the horoscope of the native. The aspect of the trio-combine on the 7th house, which is the house of trade and business, has made him a great industrialist. 

Further, the Dhan Yoga is confirmed with aspect of 5th lord Mars on the 9th and 10th houses (the houses of luck, fortune and profession) coupled with aspect of 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn on 10th house and Ascendant which is tenanted by Sun (9th lord), Mercury (10th lord/MT) and Venus (11th lord/MT). The above aspect of 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn has, therefore, formed a linear equation of status and wealth with fortune, profession and attainment of the same through honest effort.   


The exchange of signs between 2nd lord Saturn and 4th lord Jupiter has resulted in a Mahayoga and Dhan Yoga making the native a great personality and wealthy. 8th lord Moon in 11th and 11th lord Venus in the Ascendant gave him huge inheritance.


In Dasamasa, 9th lord Sun is exalted in 5th house and 10th house continues to be Virgo aspected by 2nd & 3rd lord Saturn from Lagna. Moreover, Dasamasa Lagna is Vargottama adding extra flavour and strength to professional matter.  

A native with such types of strong benefic yogas takes birth only with the Blessings of Almighty God on the basis of the hugely performed selfless outstanding deeds by the soul of the native in the previous births. This is defined as Karma according to Hindu mythology and our luck and fortune in the present life is destined by Almighty God on the basis of our Karmas (the near equivalent English rendering of which could be providing selfless service to all the living beings and keeping oneself aloof from any form of cruelty and greed).  Even bringing cruelty and greed in our minds without spelling out the same through our actions also tantamount to bad deeds in the Holy Court of Almighty God.


I am amply grateful to Almighty God for giving me a chance and privilege to analyze the horoscope of famous nativities like that of Mr. Ratan Tata (in the instant case), as well as Mr. Mukesh Ambani-ji and Ms. Lata Mangeshkar-ji (as through my previous articles). I would bring out my analysis of horoscopes in respect of more and more famous nativities of world repute whenever I would get a time to do so for the interest of the readers of this website.
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